Rancocas Project | A Crankie Performance | WIP website

With the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Coastal Management Program (CMP), and selected by the Perkins Center for the Arts and the New Jersey State Council on the Arts (Arts Council), I am working on a project about the effects of climate change in Burlington County, NJ. Titled Rancocas Project, my focus is the areas of Rancocas Creek to hear stories of everyday people affected by flooding in recent years. 

A part oral history project, a part research project, and a part children's theater for all ages, the Rancocas Project seeks to include stories from our neighbors with diverse backgrounds and experiences.

The Making of Mixed Signals | Video

This video offers a glimpse into the development of the project, Mixed Signals (2023) which culminated in a performance on July 22, 2023, at ArtYard Center, Frenchtown, NJ. 

Again | Video

Media: Painted bisque ware, vinyl, and banding wheel
Dimensions: 9" diameter & 10" height

Optical toys like zoetrope were often described as "philosophical toys" in the 19th century when introduced. Greek root word ζωή, zoe, means "life," and τρόπος, tropos, means "turning." So zoetrope can be translated to something like "wheel of life." One can easily see the similarities to early motion pictures like The Horse In Motion (1878) when spinning this work and looking through its slits. 

In cinema and other time-based media, we seem to have a common interest in capturing the ephemeral in a tangible object. Through making the series, Entertaining God, I explore our human desire to seek the unknown: Perhaps it is the idea of death or god.

AGAIN is the first of its series. The images on the strip show the artist moving from resting to awakening depicting a cycle of every day or life.

07305 (Celery & Beer) | Detail

When asked to participate in St. Paul's Greenville feast in June 2022, Jung started by researching the history of the church. Many stories had familiar names and sites, and she could see these glimpses in the neighborhood now. Using the materials she found, she made postcards to sell and donate the proceeds to the pantry run by the church.

Greenville, Jersey City is considered a food desert in 2022

Jin lives and works in Greenville, Jersey City.

In Loving Memory | Party Party

An homage

Latest Video | Grand Ideas (Life Cut Short)

In this first iteration of a series of works called Grand Ideas, the artist examines our desire to equate happiness to immortality and the fruitless but oftentimes playful endeavor we pursue as a result.

*The video starts with the sentence, he said I was always "talking life to death."  The phrase in quotes is borrowed from the artist Lawrence Weiner.

Find the subtitled version in Korean here.

Grand Ideas (Life Cut Short) - NOODLES

Work-in-Progress | WERE HERE JC
Multiple locations in Jersey City, 2021-

In 2021 while working on the project 538 Bergen Ave, Jung realized how many people (esp people of color) were left out of known history. She recognized the importance of expanding the project to multiple sites. Since the changing scope, Jung recruited her friend, Duquann Sweeney, to collaborate with the goal to bring awareness to many important yet unacknowledged people and places in Jersey City. 

Latest Performance | 538 Bergen Ave
Jersey City Theater Center, Jersey City, 2019

This video documents the performance at the JCTC in November 2019 by Jin Jung. She tells a story about her discovery of an artist group called the BECC which was headquartered in McGinley Sq., Jersey City in the 1970s. Jin seeks to use this opportunity to showcase and find fellow community members of the art, history, and Jersey City. She calls for help to erect signage at the site of 538 Bergen Ave.

Meditating Book | Are You Upset?

This book and video were made during the pandemic lockdown. Living and working in close proximity with a loved one has been both challenging and rewarding. The book captures the need for a break and connection. 

Still in Progress | Questioning My Audience

Someone told me that it takes years to start making art again after graduate school. Well, I believe it. Taking time to reflect on what happened and where I am headed has been a learning experience. In this video, I rediscover my relationship with the audience and perform for the camera.

Featured Work | Take My Weight Off Your Shoulders
Mills Gallery, Boston, 2009

Materials: Fabric, Zippers, Sand or Rice

Dimensions: Approx. 3" x 5" per sandbag

Emotional pain or trauma is difficult to understand. By abstracting the "burdens" into physical weights, Jin shares a way to bring comfort to our emotions.

Featured Image | Artist Medical Residency
O Positive Festival, Kingston, NY, 2009

During the festival where doctors and artists exchanged their services, Jung made a reiteration of the work previously known as Medical Artist Residency to accommodate the younger audience from the community.

Recent Performance | Embody: To Give a Body to a Spirit
Drawing Room, Jersey City, 2019

Reiteration of the work, Embody: To Give a Body to a Spirit, 2008, made site-specific for the occasion on July 28, 2019.

Featured Process Sketch | OVER & OVER

In 2019 during the newsbreak of a controversial photo involving the former Democratic Virginia governor, Ralph Northam, wearing blackface, someone on the radio said something like if you do not take action to reprimand such behavior, the racism will REPRODUCE and PERPETUATE. I was frustrated by the tiring news that we encountered OVER & OVER and inspired by the then-popular fidget spinners that kids were supposedly using to soothe their anxiety.

10-min Video Compilation | Four Performances
From 2005 to 2008

Basic Architecture (2005)
Find Your Heart, Open It Up, Let Them Feel (2007)
Embody: To Give a Body to a Spirit (2008)
Can You See Me? (2008)

© JIN JUNG unless noted otherwise